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Digital maturity and continuous learning

During the corona pandemic, the Company’s digital maturity accelerated and the overall capacity for change strengthened. Once again, the Company’s ability to cope with crisis situations has proven strong. Another positive consequence is that the shift in behaviour to accommodate digital skills development occurred faster than would otherwise have been the case.

The corona pandemic has affected the Company in several ways. On March 17, working from home was introduced as standard, this measure being necessary to safeguard the Company’s day-to-day operations and the safety of its employees. Over the spring, as knowledge about the virus increased, measures were taken to foster conditions for performing the Company’s mission in both the short and long term.

To create transparency, weekly company-wide meetings have been held on a digital platform – these have involved a dialogue on health, workload and well-being, as well as addressing recurring questions on these issues. Regular management meetings have also been held to strengthen managers on matters of leadership arising during the crisis.

To ensure visiting the Örebro offices is as safe as possible from a contagion perspective, a number of measures have been taken to enable social distancing and adherence to current guide­lines, in addition to the opportunity to work entirely from home. Based on roles, tasks and operational risk considerations, some employees worked from home during the autumn while others worked at the office. For preventive purposes, specific initiatives have been implemented in the area of the working environment, such as ergonomics training, yoga and exercise during working hours to facilitate a favourable working environment when working from home.

Continuous learning to increase benefit for members
Through systematic skills supply, Kommuninvest shall safeguard appropriate capabilities being available in the right place at the right time. To a certain extent, skills supply involves recruitments, but, to a large extent, it entails increasing skills among existing personnel.

Over the past year, extensive skills development efforts were initiated, aimed at making the Company an even more pronounced learning organisation, continuously developing its skills in the right direction. Continuous learning and skills development are not really objectives in themselves, rather they are tools with which the Company can achieve its targets and provide the greatest possible benefit for its members, today and in the future. While the Company shall provide systems support, structures and processes for learning, the individual employees, together with their immediate managers, bear substantial responsibility for their own development and learning. Achieving this requires a shift in culture and behaviour among managers and employees alike, and resources are to be set aside for this over the upcoming years.

A sustainable organisation
Kommuninvest maintains a holistic view of what a sustainable organisation should look like. To create a well-functioning and healthy workplace, many different parts must be in place, as illustrated below. The Company considers facilitating a balance between work and private life important and applies rigorous demands on all aspects of sustainability. The Company provides tools, structures and processes that enable employees to assume considerable responsibility for their own sustainability.

Employee survey 2020
The 2020 employee survey gave an ESI (Employee Satisfaction Index) of 76 (74). This is a high result, indicating a good level of satisfaction with a well-functioning workplace. The outcome also indicates that efforts devoted to leadership, employee collaboration and cultural issues have yielded results. These will also be priority areas as we progress into 2021. The ENPS (Employee-Net-Promoter-Score) decreased by ten units, from 55 to 45, which is classified as a high value with a good proportion of ambassadors and a low proportion of critics.

Kommuninvest applies zero tolerance of all forms of discrimination or harassment and works preventively on these issues. The Company endeavours to integrate equality and diversity into all areas of the Company.

About Kommuninvest

Kommuninvest is a municipal cooperation for efficient and sustainable financing of housing, infrastructure, schools, hospitals etc. Together, we get better loan terms than each one individually. Since its inception in 1986, the Kommuninvest collaboration has helped lower the local government sector’s borrowing costs by many billion kronor. Currently, 292 municipalities and regions are members of this voluntary cooperation. With total assets in excess of SEK 525 billion, Kommuninvest is the largest lender to the local government sector and the sixth largest credit institution in Sweden. The head office is located in Örebro.

Download the Annual Review 2020