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We are owned by our members

Separate owner organisation

Kommuninvest consists of two parts: the limited liability company Kommuninvest i Sverige AB, which provides credit and financial advice, and Kommuninvest Cooperative Society, which owns the credit market company. 294 municipalities and regions are members of the Cooperative Society. Consequently, Kommuninvest is owned and controlled entirely by these member municipalities and regions.

This division provides an effective way for the members to be able to govern a joint company. With the day-to-day operations being kept separate from the ownership organisation, a clear relationship of responsibility is also created, in which the licensed financial operations and their management are disengaged from issues of membership and ownership in the Society.

The members decide

The highest governing body in Kommuninvest is the Annual General Meeting of the Society, at which members’ representatives make decisions on important matters. The meeting, which is held in the spring, brings together hundreds of delegates from our member municipalities and regions. Ahead of the meeting, individual members submit motions for resolutions on specific matters.

The Annual General Meeting of the Society is preceded by a series of consultations at which representatives of the Society meet as many of our members as possible to take stock of developments in the operations and discuss important issues for the future.

Our boards

Linda Frohm is the chairman of the Board of the Society

The Board of the Society

The Board of Directors of the Society, which consists of elected representatives from member municipalities and regions, determine the direction of the entire operations. Members of the Board are elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. The results of municipal and regional elections govern the allocation of seats on the Board of Directors of the Society between the different political parties.

Election Committee

The election committee for the Board of Directors of the Society is appointed by the Annual General Meeting of the Society. Its task is to prepare proposals regarding the Society’s Board of Directors and auditors. The members can nominate candidates.

Erik Langby is the chairman of the Board of the Company

The Board of the Company

The Board of Directors of the Company manages the operational activities of Kommuninvest i Sverige AB based on the directives of the Board of Directors of the Society. The Board of Directors of the Company is recruited on merit from areas including the financial sector, business and public administration.

Election Committee

The election committee for the Society’s companies consists of the Working Committee of the Board of Directors of the Society.