
We contribute with research about the municipal sector

As the largest lender to the municipal sector, we have unique knowledge about financing in this sector. We want to share this knowledge with more people.

We continuously monitor developments in the municipal sector with regard to investments, loan debt, and debt management, and we share our analyses, insights, and conclusions with sector representatives and other stakeholders through lectures, reports, and blog posts. We also collaborate with academic institutions to help broaden and deepen academic research on the economic and financial conditions of the municipal sector. For example, Kommuninvest funds individual research projects and has a collaboration agreement with the School of Business at Örebro University.

Our research and reports

The municipal debt

In the report series 'The Municipal Debt,' Kommuninvest tracks the development of the municipal sector's investments and indebtedness. The report is unique because both investments and debt are analyzed from a group perspective. This means that activities conducted in corporate form are also included in the report's data.

Municipal sector's debt management

The municipal sector's debt management" is a quarterly updated report. The data in the report is based on Kommuninvest's lending and transactions registered by municipalities, municipal companies, and regions in our own debt management system, KI Finance Debt. The dataset comprises over 10,000 financial transactions. The total borrowing exceeds 650 billion SEK, with derivative volumes totaling just under 200 billion SEK

Focus reports

Our focus reports are prepared by our own analysts. The purpose of these reports is to address a current and relevant issue within the municipal sector. Many of the reports are written based on our unique knowledge of how the municipal sector finances its investments.



NameEmelie Värja

RoleHead of Research and Education

I have been working as the Head of Research and Education at Kommuninvest since 2019. From 2022 to 2024, I was on leave to serve as the principal secretary in the Cost Equalization Inquiry. I earned my PhD in Economics from Örebro University with a dissertation on municipal growth.

I work as a senior analyst with a special responsibility for monitoring the development of investments and loan debt in the municipal sector. I hold a licentiate degree in Economics from Örebro University

I am an analyst responsible for data processing and monitoring debt management in the municipal sector. I hold a master's degree in Economics from the University of Gothenburg.