
Our funding

The objective of Kommuninvest's borrowing is to provide cost-effective and stable financing to Kommuninvest's members. A key to succeeding in this is long-term investor relationships.

Kommuninvest's financing strategy is based on the following principles:

  • Regular and public issues in three strategic markets; SEK, USD and EUR
  • Both green and conventional issuances in all three strategic currencies
  • Transparent communication to the market
  • Long-term relationships with investors and banks

Kommuninvest's borrowing forecast for 2024, for maturities over 12 months, amounts to SEK 130-150 billion.

Funding programs

Kommuninvest maintains a high presence in the capital market through weekly auctions under the Swedish benchmark program and several syndicated benchmark issues continuously during the year.

Outstanding bonds and final terms

Here you will find more information about the Swedish benchmark program with weekly auctions and calendar for our auctions. You will also find links to more information about our other funding programs, the USD benchmark program, the EUR benchmark program and information about our work with green bonds.


Here you find data, information and diagrams about long term funding.

ESG library

Access our policies, guidelines, and documentation related to our sustainability efforts and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance).