Outstanding bonds and final terms

SEK Benchmark Programme

The Swedish Benchmark Program is a medium-term benchmark program in SEK for maturities between one and ten years. This programme provides the Swedish fixed income market with an attractive complement to government bonds and covered bonds. Kommuninvest's ambition is for the Swedish benchmark programme to be the largest of Kommuninvest's funding programmes.

Green Bonds

Kommuninvest's green bonds finance investment projects that aim to mitigate climate change and contribute to achieving Sweden's goal of zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2045.

EUR Benchmark Programme

The Euromarket is one of Kommuninvest's strategic funding markets, along with USD and SEK. The benchmark programme in EUR was opened in 2019 and issuances are carried out within the framework of the EMTN programme, RegS. Under this programme, Kommuninvest can issue both traditional and sustainable bonds, such as green bonds. Outstanding bonds can be supplemented with subsequent identical debt securities, so-called "on-tap" issues.

USD Benchmark Programme

The USD Benchmark Program is a medium-term benchmark comparison program in USD with maturities of approximately one to ten years. The bonds are issued at least once a year with a benchmark volume target corresponding to the benchmark at each issue. Outstanding bonds are not being utilised. Issuance is made through the EMTN program and bonds can be obtained with either RegS or 144A documentation.

Kommuninvest's framework adheres to the following principles and guidelines:

  • The Green Bond Principles (June 2018)
  • Green Bonds Harmonized Framework for Impact Reporting (December 2015)
    Kommuninvest has been a member of the Green Bond Principles since May 2016 and takes an active role in the development of common standards and frameworks regarding the issuance and reporting of green bonds.
  • Nordic Public Sector Issuers: Position Paper on Green Bonds Impact Reporting (February 2020)


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