
Kommuninvest issues SEK 3 billion in new bond


Kommuninvest today issued SEK 3 billion (USD 0.28 billion) in a new bond under the Swedish Benchmark Programme.

The new bond is labeled K3006 and matures on 2030-06-12. It will be added to the calendar for the weekly auctions of the programme.

The transaction, which had a bid-to-cover ratio of 4.04, was priced 30.97 basis points above mid-swaps and approximately 76.5 basis points above the corresponding Swedish government bond.

– To have the long-term investors onboard is important both for the development of the programme and for our ability to secure cost-effective financing of the investments of the municipal sector in Sweden, says Tobias Landström, Acting Head of Debt Management at Kommuninvest.

For further information
Tobias Landström, Acting Head of Debt Management, tel: +46 705 86 78 51
e-mail: tobias.landstrom@kommuninvest.se
Victoria Preger, Chief Communication Officer, tel: +46 70 266 87 26
e-mail: Victoria.preger@kommuninvest.se

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