
Kommuninvest plans to issue new SEK bond


Kommuninvest plans to, subject to market conditions, issue a new bond under the Swedish Benchmark Programme. The new bond, K3006, will mature on 2030-06-12. The first possible date of issuance is 24 of April.

The bond will be issued in an auction at Bloomberg’s auction platform (AUPD). The ambition is to issue SEK 3 billion.

– The Swedish Benchmark Programme continues to develop in a positive way. By adding this new bond, we are creating expanded opportunities for investors with a long-term perspective, says Tobias Landström, Deputy Head of Debt Management at Kommuninvest.

On the date of issuance, the auction will start at 09.00 CET. Bids are to be placed as spread vs matched maturity swap expressed in basis points. Bids are to be placed through market makers in the benchmark programme. The auction closes at 10.00 CET. The plan is to announce the results within 15 minutes of closure. Market makers will find the summary of the auction in Bloomberg.

Kommuninvest is under no obligation to issue the entire indicated volume and reserves the right to reject bids that are deemed to be unnecessarily expensive. There are no absolute rules for rejection. In a volatile and uncertain market, greater deviations from indicative market prices may be accepted.

For further information
Tobias Landström, Deputy Head of Debt Management, phone: +46 705 86 78 51
e-mail: tobias.landstrom@kommuninvest.se
Victoria Preger, Chief Communication Officer, phone: +46 702 66 87 26
e-mail: victoria.preger@kommuninvest.se

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