Fact sheet

Kommuninvest finances the development of welfare and the green transition in the local government sector. To enable financing and lending to municipalities and regions, we currently borrow money on an international financial market, mainly in USD, EUR and SEK.

Kommuninvest is Sweden's largest lender to municipalities and regions

  • Founded in 1986
  • Owned 100 percent by our members - Swedish municipalities and regions
  • Explicit, irrevocable, unlimited and joint warranty from owners
  • Kommuninvest is the largest lender to the Swedish local government sector
  • No credit losses in the loan portfolio ever
  • AAA/Aaa credit rating with stable outlook from Moody's and Standard & Poor's
  • Serves as a tool and support for the local government sector to achieve Sweden's goal of climate neutrality by 2045

Principles for our funding strategy

The objective of Kommuninvest's funding operations is to provide cost-effective and stable financing to Kommuninvest's members. A key to succeeding in this is long-term investor relationships. Below we describe our principles for our funding strategy.

  • Regular and public issues in three strategic markets; SEK, USD and EUR
  • Issuance of both green and conventional bonds in all three strategic currencies
  • Matching assets with liabilities
  • Conservative risk management
  • Transparent communication to the market
  • Long-term relationships with investors and banks
  • Kommuninvest's borrowing forecast for 2024, for maturities over 12 months, amounts to SEK 130-150 billion.

Security for investors

  • Fundamentals for bonds issued by Kommuninvest
  • 0% risk weight (Basel)
  • Level 1 HQLA LCR (Basel)
  • Credit rating AAA/Aaa
  • Eligible as collateral in repo transactions with the Riksbank, the FED and the ECB
  • Approved as collateral by London Clearing House (LCH) and Nasdaq OMX

ESG library

Access our policies, guidelines, and documentation related to our sustainability efforts and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance).

About Sweden

Sweden (AAA/Aaa) is an open, diversified economy with strong fundamentals and the Swedish public debt is one of the lowest public debt levels in Europe. Sweden is a highly developed country that ranks seventh in the Human Development Index.

Sweden has a social welfare system that, through the local authorities (municipalities and regions), provides universal health care, childcare and education for its citizens.

The long-term climate goal for Sweden is zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2045. Municipalities and regions play an important role in achieving this goal.

KreditbetygAAA/Aaa/AAA stable
RegeringParliamentary democracy
Befolkning2023: 10.6 million people
ValutaSwedish crona (SEK)
Europeiska UnionEU member since 1995
NatoMember since march 2024
KlimatmålZero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2045

YearGDPCPI (year end)UnemploymentPolicy rate
(year end)


Contact us

NameTobias Landström

RoleActing Head of Debt Management

NameMärta Petrini

RoleFunding manager