We finance welfare

Swedish municipalities and regions in collaboration for effective financing of investments in a sustainable society.




Welcome to our new website!

During the spring, we have rebuilt our website from scratch with the goal that kommuninvest.se should be fully accessible and to make it even easier for you as a visitor, regardless if you are a customer, member, journalist or investor, to quickly and easily find what you are looking for. In connection with the launch of our new website today, June 24, we've also taken the opportunity to update our visual identity and logo. We hope you like what you see and that you will find what you need here at the new kommuninvest.se.

If you want to give us feedback of any kind, whether it's praise or suggestions for improvement, please contact us at event@kommuninvest.se


We provide diversified exposure to the Swedish local government sector. We offer a stable and long-term business with diversified exposure to the Swedish local government sector, triple AAA/Aaa rating Level 1 and zero risk weight. We are a leader in sustainability work in our industry.


We have gathered basic information on our loan products, our loan process, KI Finans, the support we provide in financial decision-making, as well as current events.


Kommuninvest’s vision is to finance local government sector development and investment, fostering a sound and sustainable society. The mission entrusted to us by our members and owners includes taking financial, social and environmental sustainability into account, both directly and indirectly, throughout our operations. This also includes taking Agenda 2030 and the Global Goals for Sustainable Development into account, with services and products that meet needs in this regard.

About us

Our mission focuses on three different areas. We finance development in the local government sector, we offer a safe investment for investors and we act as a centre of excellence in municipal financial management and long-term sustainability.


As the largest lender to the municipal sector, we have unique knowledge about financing in this sector. We want to share this knowledge with more people.


At Kommuninvest, we do something that no one else in Sweden does. Regardless of your role, you are contributing to public good. Do you visit a health center occasionally? Use public transport during the day? Have children in preschool? If so, it is highly likely that Kommuninvest facilitated the investment behind these services. With one foot in the municipal sector and the other in the global financial markets, we contribute to Sweden's development through the idea that more municipalities can obtain better loan terms together than individually. Since 1986, this idea has helped reduce Swedish municipalities' borrowing costs by billions.

News and media

Here you can take part of our latest news and press releases. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need photos or more information.