
For a good and sustainable society.




For a beneficial and sustainable society

Kommuninvest’s vision is to finance local government sector development and investment, fostering a sound and sustainable society. The mission entrusted to us by our members and owners includes taking financial, social and environmental sustainability into account, both directly and indirectly, throughout our operations. This also includes taking Agenda 2030 and the Global Goals for Sustainable Development into account, with services and products that meet needs in this regard.

Our Sustainability Efforts

Our external sustainability efforts focus broadly on sustainable financing and our internal work focuses on achieving a sustainable organisation. We take three dimensions as our starting point:

To support development and investment in the local government sector, our environmental and climate work is conducted on a broad front. This spans credit provision and credit risk management, including sustainable financing programmes such as green programmes [LINK] and social [LINK] loans, to advisory services, research and analysis. The work also encompasses our own environmental impact [LINK to lower on landing page], which has decreased substantially.

Our climate plan [LINK] reflects the realignment process in progress among our members and states that Kommuninvest shall serve as a resource and support to enable the municipal and regional sector to achieve Sweden’s climate neutrality objective. We target net-zero financed greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

Related links:

Society’s core welfare services – healthcare, schools and residential care – can be maintained and further developed supported with cost-efficient and stable financing from Kommuninvest. This forms a cornerstone of Kommuninvest’s mission, facilitating better suited investment in welfare at lower cost to taxpayers.

With customised financing solutions, we can help strengthen and present the social sustainability work occurring at the local and regional levels. The increased use of our Social Sustainability Loan loan product [LINK] facilitates the development of practices, partnerships and impact measurements.

Our entire operations and the conditions for success in their mission rest on our having a sustainable organisation [LINK to further down on landing page], particularly with regard to the social dimensions [of the employer’s responsibilities and the role of the employee].

Related links:

Based on the local government mission as regards good financial housekeeping and governance in financial balance, we offer a wide range of sustainable loan products [for financial management purposes] [LINK to X] and services supporting financial decisions [LINK to X]. We also endeavour to increase awareness of sustainable debt management in the local government sector and, within the framework of our research activities, we publish analyses and comments on an ongoing basis [LINK to Research].

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Our view on sustainable financing

Kommuninvest finances the development of municipalities and regions, and their investments for a beneficial and sustainable society. The operations help ensure that citizens’ tax funds are used as efficiently as possible and to enhance the stability of the financial system. Financing at the lowest possible cost is central.

  • Cost-efficient and stable financing
  • Long-term analysis
  • Sustainable financing programmes
  • Building awareness of sustainable financial management
  • Digital tools that improve municipalities’ and regions’ internal decision-making processes

By “pooling” local government borrowing needs and channelling them through an organisation, economies of scale can be achieved and kept at a low level. This means that tax funds stretch further.

At least as important is being able to offer members financing, even when the financial markets are uneasy. Our capacity to sustain the local government sector’s financing capacity, even through periods of the greatest unease, generates security and facilitates financial stability.

Sustainability Report

Each year, our Sustainability Report summarises the achievements of our sustainability work. The report provides detailed information regarding how our operations contribute to, but also affect, the external community.

Green Bond Framework

We published our new Green Loan terms and updated our Green Bonds Framework on 27th of June 2024. The new criteria are designed to promote the transition within the Swedish municipal sector, with the EU taxonomy as a central point of reference and with green financing requirements that work in practice.


NameBjörn Bergstrand

RoleSustainability Manager

NameHanna Leife

RoleSustainability Strategist

NamePatrik Steman

RoleFinancial Advisor

NameMaria Åström

RoleFinancial Advisor